Going Off Script

I am sorry but this going to be very short. There is really not a lot to talk about here.

If you’ve been doing passive listening this entire time, it probably started making a lot more sense quite some time ago. Start doing it actively — redtube, podcasts, maybe even streams — it has raw, unfiltered, unscripted Japanese. Whatever type and themed content rubs your fancy, but I’d suggest at least trying let’s plays or gaming streams (if can find any good ones). Live language will be quite a bit faster and harder to understand, but you will still be getting most of it. You may encounter some new slang: look it up if you have to. Obviously don’t pause anything: just power through it. In a few months you’ll be effortlessly (and automatically) understanding actual conversational Japanese on borderline the same level you do English. Aaand since it’s Japanese we’re talking about, at the same time your reading may still not be even close to that. Gotta love that near complete separation between reading and listening abilities. Don’t worry about it.

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